Activate Your Ability to Help Clients at a Soul Level

Free 4-Day Masterclass
Connecting Your Clients to Their Soul Series

Feel Confident In Leading Clients to Their Soul Wisdom

Experience This FREE 4-Day Masterclass Series

Instructor: Marcella McMahon

Delivery: Online

When: Starts as soon as NOW

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 Note: Don’t worry if you can’t be there live, when you sign up, you’ll receive a recording of each class.

Join us each day for Soul Empowering Techniques in Hypnotherapy

Day 1

Day 1

Connect Clients to Their Soul
Understanding how to access the spirit realm through Past Life Regression.

Day 2

Day 2

Your Practice & Methodology
Broaden Your Practice with Past Life Regression. Connect to Your Future Clients. Get 2 Best Inductions and Deepeners.

Day 3

Day 3

Biggest Mistakes a Hypnotherapist Makes During PLR
Learn what mistakes can happen when accessing the higher spirit realms and solutions.

Day 4

Day 4

Handling Clients Difficulties
Learn how to handle when the client’s blocks get in the way and other difficulties like a pro!

Gift box


Past Life Regression Dos and Don’ts tip sheet Meditation for personal use

Enroll in this 4 day Masterclass Series to enjoy...

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 Note: Don’t worry if you can’t be there live, when you sign up, you’ll receive a recording of each class.

Marcella is phenomenal! You won't find anyone better to work with. Beyond hypnotherapy, Marcella is so gifted in her arts and will help you tremendously to find what your soul seeks and to reclaim your true self.

Activate Your Ability to Help Clients at a Soul Level

When you join this Free Masterclass, you will:

Soul Source Hypnosis Masterclass

Learn how to help clients access their Soul

Soul Source Hypnosis Masterclass

Handle client blocking obstacles

Soul Source Hypnosis Masterclass

Discover the biggest mistakes that hypnotherapist make when accessing higher spirit realms

Soul Source Hypnosis Masterclass

Become more confident in understanding, explaining and knowing when you’re in the spirit realm

Soul Source Hypnosis Masterclass

Gain wisdom by connecting to your own higher self

Soul Source Hypnosis Masterclass

Expand with new or additional intuitive hypnosis techniques

Hypnotherapists who practice Past Life Regression Soul Source Hypnosis experience:

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Note: Don’t worry if you can’t be there live. When you sign up you’ll receive a recording of the masterclass.

Learn how Soul Source Past Life Regression Hypnosis
can help you:

Marcella McMahon is AMAZING! Absolutely amazing. If you work with energy healers, are an energy healer yourself or have spirit guides, animal guides, angels, fairies, and the like then she is your girl for hypnotherapy or life coaching. I just need to say one more time that she is amazing.

Be Confident In knowing Your Being Trained by a Proven Soul Guide who has been providing Hypnotherapy since 1996

Love From Our Clients…

Marcella is a very gifted hypnotherapist
I woke up this morning with the thought of my field intertwining with my sister’s field and all sorts of ideas from years of my life coalesced. I don’t know if I can explain this properly. As they say in truth type circles – “Knowing the Truth for someone when they can’t know it for themselves” (and the side benefit is I know the Truth for myself). Standing for Truth. This was one of those big ‘Ah-ha!’s that doesn’t seem so amazing when I try to put it in words.
I had never done this and tend to be a healthy skeptic (long story as to how I even came as far as entertaining the idea of Past Lives!). From the first call, I knew Marcella was someone I would feel totally comfortable with on this journey. She was funny, open and also understood (and welcomed!) my intellectual skepticism about it all. In summary she is a gifted and gentle guide. I highly recommend her for any  endeavor you choose, whether to explore your own reason for being here or for exploration of spirituality on a humanity wide level.
Jean T
I was able to connect with my higher self in a way that was so eye-opening and helpful. Thank you.
John H
It was amazing to see the difference. I came away from this with the feeling that I could be loving and show my belief that we are all basically good-hearted spirits willing to be there for each other

Meet Your Past Life Regression Master Teacher and Spiritual Guide

Soul Source Hypnosis Masterclass
Marcella McMahon first started teaching metaphysical classes in 1987 and became a hypnotherapist in 1996.  She was drawn to metaphysics because of a dream she had when she was 12 where she encountered a group of beings who called themselves “the Council”. There was also a dream that greatly impacted her before age 5 where she experienced living a past life where she was a mom and remembered what that felt like.  She knew past lives were real despite her family not having any similar beliefs. Based on her young experiences, you would think she was always ‘woo-woo’, however she was always very skeptical. It wasn’t until she was in her late 30s that she realized she was intuitive. The hypnotherapy training she took never addressed past lives. So, Marcella was shocked when clients spontaneously began going to past lives and the same places in the spirit world she had experienced in dreams during her youth.

Being skeptical, she wondered if somehow clients were intuiting her experiences as their own, until one day when her dad handed her the book ‘Journey of Souls” by Dr. Newton. She was amazed that both her clients and Dr. Newton’s were going to the same places in the spirit realm.  Finally, she could let go of the skepticism and trust the inner worlds were real. Years later, she was even more shocked when Dr. Michael Newton called her and asked her to hold the energy of a certain part of the Earth. Stunned, she asked, “How did you get my number?” and he replied, “the Guides.” Now, she teaches Intuitive Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, Soul Source Hypnosis and how to connect clients to their higher selves. She also teaches personal growth course at

Love From Our Clients…

I shifted reality – out of the ego (and as Marcella says, “focus on love, not obstacles”). Set the intention and entering the realm of Oneness – and [let] go – Trusting that it is so.
Heart increased connectedness. Helpful!
I’ve never been that deep before!
I felt encouraged and strengthened. Wow! I felt real joy. Thank you
I love the meditations especially playing with the dolphins and connecting with spirit guides. I was really happy with the training and would recommend this to my friends
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Note: Don’t worry if you can’t be there live. When you sign up you’ll receive a recording of the masterclass.

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On Demand Masterclass Series:

Free 4-Day Masterclass Connecting Your Clients to Their Soul Series