21 Days to More Self Love online class
This Self-Love online class helps you increase more love in all areas of your life in only 21 days.
This online course has the intention set to help you transform rapidly and with tons of fun!
Bringing more self-love into your life is the best way to create other loving relationships. You don’t have to love yourself to bring in a loving relationship.
You’ll find relationships are enhanced when you love you!
This 21-Day Self-Love online class is experiential and offers live sessions, recorded lessons, self-hypnosis scripts, recorded meditations, exercises, knowledge, worksheets (playsheets) and music suggestions. We’ve filled the course with tons of fun and play!
The first live class is scheduled for 4:00 p.m. EST on March 21st, but don’t worry if you can’t make it as it will be recorded.
This Self-Love class is for you if…
- You are ready for real transformation and
- You are willing to take responsibility for your
life and your beliefs
Who is this Self-Love Course designed for?
- Leaders, wayshowers, lightworkers…
- Individuals who already love themselves and those who don’t…
- People with a mission, message, inner calling…
- Those who are hiding, who need to regain focus and self trust…
- Anyone who is looking to amplify their self-love
Course Topics, such as:
- Dreaming BIG!
- Meditation and Hypnosis
- The Secret To How Life Creates
- Working with the Conscious, Subconscious and Higher Consciousness
- Connecting with Other High Vibe Peeps
- Release Negative Self Talk
- Release Heartache Remnants
- Starting The Day with Intention
- Building Beautiful Relationships with Others
- Ego what is it for and how to tell when it is a balanced state
- Core Pattern(s) Recognition
- Imperfection – Being Imperfectly Perfect
- Build Self-Esteem
- Release Self-punishment
- Release Old Patterns
- Self Love Enhancement
- Build Self Trust
- Recognizing and Managing Beliefs
- Creating The Life You Want
- Working with Your Will
- Connect with Higher Self
- Staying Conscious
*********** A Letter from the Class Instructor **********
Dear Beautiful Light Being,
As an experienced hypnotherapist of more than 30 years, I’ve had the pleasure to coach thousands of clients in bringing more love into their lives.
Not only that, but I have personally been working on self-love for the last 20 years.
In this Self-Love class, I share all my tools, lessons and resources that I’ve learned to help you on your journey of self-love.
In Joy,
Marcella McMahon
Founder of MDS-Institute
Clinical Hypnotherapist | Master Teacher